Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Run to Burn Fat - Here's How to Lose Fat Running

Run to Burn Fat

A great way to lose weight is to run to burn fat. Running burns calories in a short time, so it is a perfect exercise option for people who want to lose fat quickly and not having much time for the most varied exercises.

Here's how it works to burn fat:

First, know that the race is an intensive process of physical and can be thrown in the joints if no work your way up and well warm up before each race

Start running to burn fat running at a pace that increases your heart rate to about 70% of its maximum speed and maintain that rate is five minutes before walking for five minutes. Repeat this cycle as long as you like, but at least a couple of times.

In the coming weeks, run a minute and slow down to a walk a minute less each week to ten days. With the race you have to be careful not to push yourself too, because strains and sprains are so common, and can adjust your fat burning routine back for more than a month.

Your goal should be to run (or walk / run) at least 20 minutes a day, three times a week. Over time, you may even start to enjoy the race, but try to work up any day of the week for half an hour over time. Running is an exercise that you can easily do this for the rest of your life if you make a habit.

If you are dedicated to its opening hours, you have more energy and burn more fat by eating a diet that is mostly carbohydrates and complex proteins. Carbohydrates can be particularly risky because you will gain weight if you eat combustion is not running or other exercise but also provide a strong long lasting energy to get through your workouts to run.

If you want to count calories burned while running to burn fat, a good estimate is 100 calories per mile run regularly, but does not work and obviously less expensive than if you were walking part.

He is bored with his routine race? This happens all the time for me. Here are three ways I've found to spice things:

Jogging in a new landscape. You'll be so absorbed in the natural beauty, miles pass under their feet without being noticed.

See a show or movie you've been dying to see while running on the treadmill and make a rule that you can not see while you're running or walking. Want to see the end? Then you better keep running.
Use the ongoing activity of the Nintendo Wii Fit to run up in the virtual world, or turn on Free Run, and will track the operating time watching regular television.

for more informations about  weight loss and exercise, visit my blog :  http://easychallenge.blogspot.com/ , and  : http://the1perfect.blogspot.com/

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