Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Lose Fat Fast Like an Athlete


If you want to lose weight quickly, then the greatest thing you can learn is to speed up your metabolism.Here's how it works ...

Your metabolism controls how quickly the body uses energy. The faster the energy is consumed, it is necessary in a given period of time. Two people who eat the same McDonalds hamburger with two different metabolisms, they would put in different amounts of weight. 

 That's why there are people who eat painfully thin but nothing unwanted fat (I hate people like that!) And why other people do their best to eat well and yet seem to constantly put on weight.

If ever you wondered why you could not lose weight despite their best intentions - you know.

So to lose fat fast, we must speed up your metabolism and burn more energy to do that now. This means you will use more calories naturally, so that if a calorie controlled diet is added, your body will have no choice but to burn fat that you carry with you - to help you lose fat quickly .

There are a number of measures to be considered to get your metabolism works as fast as possible.

First, you have to challenge your body when it comes to exercise. No more gentle walks or bike rides - we need to put your body under some pressure to perform! We talk about training and the range of weight lifting - even for the ladies.

There are many training there to help you do this, then it will not come back to that, but just keep in mind the importance of this step. Try lifting weights exerting the main areas of your body muscles (thighs, chest, etc.) and then do your cardio after - and push. Hurry up. 

 Add slopes. Intensity change regularly. It gets hot and sweaty - is what it is all! Oh, and try to achieve 3-4 times a week for best results. It is too often and more likely to burn. Too little time and can give your metabolism a chance to slow between workouts.

After the base element fat loss exercise, you need ot get their food in order. This involves minimizing your calorie mostly eating vegetables and proteins. Main sources of carbohydrates consumed or first thing in the morning or shortly after your workout.

Apart from that, meat, eggs, cottage cheese and as many vegetables as you want are the order of the day.

Finally, try to break your food to eat smaller portions, but eat more regularly. The body increases metabolism every time you eat to help digest food to eat small meals every 2-3 hours during the day you attack your metabolism even more. 

 Living in the meat and vegetables can be difficult every two hours so try to prepare is enough to keep you playing for several meals or using meal replacements to fill the gaps when you are away or at work.

for more informations about  weight loss and exercise, visit my blog : , and  :

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