Wednesday, July 1, 2015

An At-Home 20 Minute Workout to Build Muscle and Burn Fat

No need to go to a gym if you want to make a little fat and add muscle.

When you think about it, even if you live within 10 minutes of your gym, it still takes 10 minutes once you get there to find parking, put his equipment in a closet, and really start working! Factor in the time it takes to change, collect your equipment and return to your home, and we speak very nearly an hour just to get to and from the gym!

Who has that kind of time anymore?
Home 20 Minute Workout - The solution
This is a workout that lasts about 20 minutes, does not require expensive equipment, and target / growth conditioning fat loss and muscle strength of the lower body upper body.

Come to the point.

Start Training in 20 Minutes:

*** IMPORTANT *** First, heat pumps making some easy games, bodyweight squats, and dominated towel (throwing a towel wrapped on something hard like a branch or a beam in the garage, and pull up!).

Then the training starts:

Sable own bag and press x 8 repetitions (see below for instructions on how to make your own sandbag around $ 15)

tractions towels for 8 reps
10 Burpees (do a search on YouTube for more details about it, the ability to exercise full ULTIMATE)
Rows of body weight for 8 reps (Do not waste your money on a coach suspended when you can do it yourself for next to nothing - a quick search on Google for suspension DIY coach brings several options)
Jumps (see 50) - this is the "active rest" component of the drive, which allows your muscles to relax before ...

Make the circuit twice!


As a "finisher", take a mallet and swing in a tire for every 20 seconds followed by 10 seconds of rest, repeated 8 times in total. Changing the order of grasping hands with each small interval (first 20 seconds - right on the left, the second 20 seconds. - Left to the right, and so on)
(These are called "Tabata intervals, which research has shown to be very beneficial for both aerobic and anaerobic conditioning capabilities)

Make Your Own Sandbag Training

Get a surplus canvas bag army used gravel buy 75 pounds (about $ 3), dump gravel in the bag, zipped closed tie the band around fasteners so it is not cut, and ...

You have yourself a training tool that will build total body strength and body fat TORCH!
20 minute workout at home - Summary
So you know how to get an incredible workout without going to the gym.
All that remains is to report to you!

good luck!

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