Monday, June 22, 2015

The Best Aerobic Exercise For Calorie Burning

It seems to be constantly new or infomercials that sell aerobic exercise to help burn calories and lose fat. Many of these advertisements make it a point to mention how to get your product to burn calories at a faster rate than if another type of exercise is performed or use a different piece of equipment.  

With so many companies make statements on their team is the best for burning calories, raising questions, these are the true statements and what form of aerobic exercise is actually better for fat loss?

If you ask a fitness professional what type of aerobic exercise burns more calories you will probably get an answer like: "The best form of exercise or the best team is the most willing to use because you get not benefit if they do not practice. "In a sense, this seems a lazy answer, but it is actually quite accurate, but not very informative.

The truth is that every time someone says a specific type of aerobic exercise burns more calories than anything, they are either trying to sell a specific product or a poor understanding of exercise physiology. 

 Some types of aerobic exercise has advantages over other forms of exercise for different reasons, such as the amount of stress placed on your joints, but the actual effects of calorie burning and fat loss has less to do with how to exercise and more to do with the way the exercise is performed.
There is good scientific evidence to support the belief that other factors, such as intensity, are more important than the piece of equipment you use or the type of exercise you perform. The researchers compared different types of exercise to see that more calories are burned and when all other factors being equal, there is generally no statistical difference between the different forms of exercise. 

 However, there may be differences in the specific physical adaptations enjoying different forms of exercise, but not the total number of calories burned.

For example, in a study published in the June 2010 Journal of strength and conditioning research [1], the authors compared the number of calories burned during exercise on elliptical and rolling carpet and let individuals choose their own difficulty exercise.  

They found that when the level of perceived exertion was the same, burn calories and oxygen consumption was also the same. The only difference between the two types of exercise is that exercising on an elliptical machine led to higher rates of heart in the exercise on a treadmill, even when burning calories and perceived difficulty were the same.
This is just one of many examples, but what I read, more recently, so he decided to include it in this article. The important thing to remember is that while exercise increases the difficulty to burn calories also increases, regardless of what type of exercise is performed.  

Therefore, you can see it is true that the best type of aerobic exercise is one that has or is willing to make more consistent. Of course, there is no reason to stay with only a form of exercise and it is a good idea to mix things up to help prevent the problems associated with the constant repetition of the same movement.

As for the question of how companies make claims that their products specific results in burning more calories than other forms of exercise, so it is really on the subject of misleading comparisons involving exercise. For example, sometimes comparisons between a piece of equipment, which involved only the lower body muscles (treadmill) and a piece of equipment that makes you use your legs and arms are.

In these situations, people who use both machines work your legs at the same level of difficulty, which is usually the case, it is clear that people who do extra work with the more calories are burned arm. The information is usually left out is that the arms and legs of people work harder training will also be presented and the exercise will be more difficult for people too.

 If people who work only their legs increased their work rate to match the overall difficulty of the other exercises to burn calories is almost certain to be the same.

In most basic terms, the body burns calories to do the work, so if you do the exercise more difficult, so you make more work and you will burn more calories. At least for now, there is no magic machine that allows you to burn more calories that do less total work. If you want to burn calories through exercise, then you must make your body perform enough work to burn calories.  

However, you can use any form of exercise for this task, so try different types of exercise to find what works best for you.

[1] Brown, GA, Cook, CM, Krueger, RD, and Heelan, KA. Comparison of energy expenditure on a treadmill vs. an elliptical device at a self-selected exercise intensity. J Strength Cond Res 24(6): 1643-1649, 2010.

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