Tuesday, July 21, 2015

The Golden Rule of Weight Loss - How to Lose Fat Fast

The Golden Rule of Weight Loss

The weight loss industry is chock full of all kinds of products to help your fry fat fast. 80 billion dollars seam busting actually, as predicted by the end of the decade. And you know what? It has always been like that. 

 Regardless of the obesity epidemic in the world today (1000 million people - you are not alone), we have always sought the best way to look sexier. Well, here's a big secret - no matter what they tell you, every successful weight loss should follow this basic rule:

Fewer calories calories burned equals weight loss

So to put it in the background, so you burn more energy than they consume, you lose weight! Other factors can now influence the exact amount of weight you will lose, but again - all the weight loss products that work should follow this rule without exception.

How to know how many calories you burn

Losing weight starts with determining how many calories you burn in a day. This is your basal metabolic rate (BMR) but many more additional combustion to do these things. Simple, right?

Your basal metabolic rate is the amount you burn if you lie just in bed all day and do nothing. There are many online calculators that will give your BMR free.

Then add additional calories you burn doing things such as work or exercise, what is her total calories burned in a day.

Therefore, if you have a basal metabolic rate of 1600 calories and burn 400 calories daily exercise, recording a total of 2,000 calories per day.

How to Figure Out Exactly How Much Weight You'll Lose

Now here comes the fun part. Take the total number of calories that you burn today, and subtract from that how many calories you eat. Say you burn 2000 calories today. You want to lose about a pound a week, so you decide you'll only eat 1500.

2000 (calories burned) - 1500 (calories consumed) = 500 calories.
This means you'll have a deficit of about 500 calories per day. We know that it takes about 3500 calories to equal (lose) one pound of fat (not water, not muscle) weight. So - to lose 1 pound of fat per week, you simply keep eating 500 less calories every day than you actually burn off. 500 x 7(days) = 3500!

Now you are probably thinking to yourself: I FREAKIN hungry if 500 fewer calories than you burn each day! Well, this is where all those special schemes are trying to help. And the best diets for this purpose actually stop eating almost anything you want most. How can it be? It's simple. 
Recognize that only hungry if you do not get food all day. In addition, your body will try to compensate and "film" tries fat loss if you vary the types of calories you eat.

Hence with the right knowledge, it's not only possible to lose fat without getting hungry, but its actually very easy.

for more informations about  weight loss and exercise, visit my blog :  http://easychallenge.blogspot.com/ , and  : http://the1perfect.blogspot.com/

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